'나의 이야기..'에 해당되는 글 447

  1. 2009.11.10 [사진] 가을사진
  2. 2009.11.06 [ADC2] round 1 200 application
  3. 2009.10.30 GM 대우 스타일 777
Ordinary/Photo | Posted by hyena0 2009. 11. 10. 21:36

[사진] 가을사진


  이번 가을에 시골의


  익어가는 곶감이랑

  이것 저것 찍어보았었지요.

Interesting/ANDROID | Posted by hyena0 2009. 11. 6. 20:04

[ADC2] round 1 200 application

  [ADC2] round 1 200 application

안드로이드 개발자 챌린지 2의 1차 어플리케이션이

드디어 발표되었네요.

애석하지만, 나의 어플인 ARU는 순위권에 들지 못했습니다.

ADC로 부터 받은 이메일에는 하위 50%의 순위에

들었다고 하네요.

어쨌거나 어떤 어플들이 수상하게 될지 궁금하네요.

이제 라운드 2로 들어간답니다.

안드로이드 펍에서 등록되었던 한국인 개발자의 어플들이

눈에 띄네요. 선전하시길...

Congratulations to the top 200 apps from ADC 2 Round 1.

Android ApplicationCategory
4 Player Reactor (ADC) Arcade
A World Of Photo Entertainment
A.D.A.M Entertainment
Agile Messenger IM Social
AirPainter Lifestyle
Album Art Grabber for ADC2 Lifestyle
Alex Digital Secretary Productivity
aLock Misc
Always Prompt Travel
AMon (adc2 version) Lifestyle
Andrometer 1.0 Misc
AndShowtime Misc
Animal Compass Misc
AnyStop: The Transit Companion Travel
AnyWidget Misc
aPortaDrum Multimedia
AppManager (ADC2-edition) Productivity
Apps Organizer Adc Productivity
Appshare Social
aShadow Finder Lifestyle
Atmosphere: Trainer Arcade
Atomic Blaster Arcade
BabelSnap! (Trial) Travel
Bambuser ADC2 Social
Bazooka Rabbit Demo For ADC Arcade
Blink Casual
Blockx 3D Pro (ADC2) Casual
Books-EX Social
Botanica Education
Buzz Deck beta Multimedia
Calton Hill GPSCaddy Misc
Car Locator Travel
Cartoon Gang Social
Ce:real - Everyday trends Social
Celeste Education
ChordBot Multimedia
Citizenside Multimedia
ClapCard Social
Comeks Microphone Hero Casual
Complete Memorization Education
CubeWorks Productivity
Daisy Garden Entertainment
Decades Casual
Decaf: EC2 on your Android Misc
Detexify: LaTeX Recognizer Education
Dialify Misc
Digital Recipe Sidekick Lifestyle
DJ'it Lifestyle
Drive - AR Navigation System Travel
Drocap Productivity
DroidSpray Entertainment
EarthTime Education
Eclosion Productivity
Entertain Me Entertainment
Event Flow Productivity
Executive Assistant Misc
Flash of Genius: SAT Vocab Education
Flick It! Casual
FlingTap Done Productivity
Flu Tracker Education
FlyScreen Misc
Food Canary in a Restaurant Travel
FoxyRing ADC2 Lifestyle
FRG Arcade
Friend or Foe Social
FriendBook Lifestyle
Fun Buzz Widget Entertainment
FUN2Learn Education
Fusion WebServer - Phone2Web Productivity
FxCamera (for ADC2) Multimedia
g-tar Entertainment
GangWars Arcade
GeoNotes Social
Gigbox Lifestyle
Golfuls Entertainment
GPS Toolbox ADC2 Travel
Graviturn 1.0 Arcade
Grooveshark Mobile Multimedia
Handcent Messaging Productivity
Handy Poll ADC Productivity
Head To Head Racing Arcade
Hoccer ADC2 Productivity
HotelsByMe: Hotel Reservations Travel
How-To Videos from Howcast.com Multimedia
iLomo Entertainment
iNap: Arrival Alert (ADC2) Travel
InTrouble Lifestyle
JAM session Entertainment
Jelix Casual
JumpyBall 3D Arcade
Kanji with Picture Education
KUMPA Casual
LawLocale Travel
Learn! Education
Light Racer 3D Trial Arcade
Locale Ping.fm Plug-In Social
Lucid ADC2 Casual
Manchego! Education
Maverick Travel
Mazeness Casual
medAssist.me Misc
Mediafly Mobile ADC Edition Multimedia
MeetByChance.me Social
MicroJam Multimedia
midNite movie Entertainment
Missing Children ADC Misc
mobilematics Education
mobiProfessor Education
Mobisle Notes Productivity
Mom's shopping list Lifestyle
Moto X Mayhem Arcade
Mover Lifestyle
MoVue Travel
Mowsic Midi-Over-Wireless Multimedia
mPuzzle Casual
MultiLex English Explanatory Education
musikCube Multimedia
MyPosition Travel
N. American Conquest (ADC) Casual
Nebudroid Entertainment
NetDroid Lifestyle
NewsRoom Productivity
Nintaii Casual
Office Exercise Misc
Open Gesture Misc
Personal Finance Misc
Phonebook Sharing Social
PhoneHotel Travel
Photo BURST ADC2 Multimedia
PhotoShoot - The Duel (ADC) Arcade
PhotSpot(ADC2ver) Travel
PickYouUp Travel
Plink Art Education
Pobs Casual
PocketDJ Multimedia
Pocoro Casual
PrivateMedia Multimedia
ProjectINF ADC Arcade
Radiant Arcade
Rhythm Guitar Misc
Rhythmatics™ Alpha Lifestyle
Robotic Guitarist (ADC2) Education
Runes MMORPG - Alpha release Arcade
Screebl Productivity
Scribble Social
Scribtor Misc
Seek ’n Spell Casual
SFR Postcard Entertainment
Sign Translation Travel
SingSong Entertainment
Sketch Online Casual
Smart Alarm Clock Lifestyle
SocialMuse Social
Solo - ADC2 Entertainment
SongDNA Entertainment
Sonorox (ADC2) Entertainment
Space STG - Galactic Wars Arcade
SPB TV for ADC Multimedia
Spectral Audio Analyzer ADC2 Multimedia
SpecTrek Lifestyle
Speed Forge 3D Arcade
Spheremare Arcade
Sports Trek Travel
SpotMessage for ADC2 Social
Stroids - ADC2 Arcade
Subzero Challenge Arcade
Sudoku Camera Casual
SweetDreams Lifestyle
Swift Twitter App (ADC2) Social
TapDialer Misc
Taps Of Fire Entertainment
Tasker Productivity
taskTopia Productivity
Tesla - PC Remote Control Multimedia
TextEZFast Social
Thinking-Space Productivity
Time-Lapse Trial Multimedia
Todoroo Lifestyle
TopoDroid Travel
Totemo Casual
Tracklet Productivity
Trip Journal Travel
Trippo Education
TuneMagic Multimedia
TweetAssist Social
Uloops Multimedia
UrbanGolf light Casual
Voicetrans (ADC) Education
WaveSecure Productivity
Web Clip Widget Lifestyle
WebWidget Misc
What the Doodle!? (ADC2) Casual
Who's Calling Entertainment
Word Puzzle Education
Xeeku Photo Journal Lifestyle
Xeeku Twitter Social
Yuilop Entertainment
Zenith Education
Ordinary | Posted by hyena0 2009. 10. 30. 03:31

GM 대우 스타일 777

  GM 대우 스타일 777 

  GM 대우에서 마티즈와 라세티 홍보를 위해

  777명의 시승단 행사를 하는 군요.

  기회가 된다면 시승단이 되어보면 좋겠네요.

  GM대우 홈피 가보시면 행사 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.

  11월 30일까지 진행하는 행사라

  아직은 시간이 많네요...한번 시도해 보세요